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8:08 AM

6.8 mi


5:41 mi

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East Boulder Rec

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4-5x Mile @4:55 to 4:45 w/3' jog recovery. I was fairly excited to test myself with some interval work this morning. I didn't want to start too fast but I felt like I coasted too much in the middle of the first one. I came through in 4:51.2 so I was almost smack in the middle of the pace range. I jogged for 2:30 and stood for the next 30". That would be the only rep that I did t roll directly into though. I pushed it a little more in the back half of the second and ran 4:49.2. the jog recovery got to me gradually after the second one. I got out too slow on the 3rd and had to really work the last 600 to keep it on track. 4:49.4. I wasn't sure if I was going to do all 5 on the table but I just wanted to continue to progress the pace. I got out strong on #4 but there wind picked up and the first 800 was into a headwind. I managed to negative split for a 4:48.3. I knew once I was done with the 4th that I was capable of the 5th so I didn't give it a second thought. I still had to fight the wind on the last one but I pushed along the far side of the lake. I was disappointed to see similar splits at the second dog park gate and the corner of the soccer field but I really wanted to end with my fastest rep so I dug in for a final 200 surge. 4:46.6. I don't think I could've hoped for much better today considering how long I've been away from structured work. My take away was that this was a good first step but I need to continue focusing on making this pace/effort feel as smooth as possible.
