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8:00 AM

5.7 mi


5:31 mi

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4xmile 4:55 down to 4:45 w/3' float recovery. First structured interval set of the build and I wanted to get a good one under my belt. Luke leaves for Europeans today so we were grouped up for his final workout. I didn't want to mess with his pacing so I hung near the back. Almost got gapped a few times in the first rep but came home in 4:49.1. A bit spicy but I handled it well and felt ready after my 3' float. I was ushered to the front to keep the pace around 4:50 but around 800-1000m I was swallowed up and ended up in the back again. We ran 4:46.7. The float was still alright and I convinced myself #3 would be the toughest since I had jumped down to the bottom of the range on number two and needed to maintain that the rest of the way. The group broke apart at halfway with Aidan leading the charge and Elias and I hanging out in the back. We were steadily through 1200 in 3:35-36 all morning so I just focused on maintaining the effort. 4:46.4. It came to the final rep and I still had plenty in the tank. I was breathing hard during the intervals but invariably during the 3' float I would regain near-full composure. Set off for #4 and the break happened sooner than before but I knew I was running right around the same effort. Will, Elias and I made up the training party. as we passed the dog park I floated up to follow Elias and Will fell back. However, he came kicking past me in the last 200m. I was pissed given that he and Elias were given 4:55 pace for their entire workout and here Will was kicking to a 4:41. Finished in 4:43.2. I cooled off quickly once I saw my development team guys coming through on their cool down. Good attitude adjustment, still need to be less reactive. 7:16 avg for the float recovery so plenty of room for imporvemtn there but I need to get the speed down first and foremost. (plyometric: squat jumps, lateral squat jumps, 90 degree squat jumps, forward squat jumps for distance; 3x15 push-ups)
