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8:44 AM

4.4 mi


5:39 mi


167 bpm
185 bpm
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4x1200 @75-77 pace w/ 2:30 jog. on the track for the first time since the 12' tempo a few weeks ago. heel was ok, not perfect though. kind of said fuck the goal paces and I would run off feel. I was pretty close on the first one. with no significant increase in effort I got faster on the subsequent 2. on the final rep when i ran 72 high for the first lap and felt very controlled I gradually increased and had an 10 sec differential from the first. good run today but still remains to see how the faster running will affect my heel tomorrow or this evening on the shake out. regardless felt fit. 3:46.9/3:42.5/3:40.0/3:36.7
