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10 km


5:05 mi

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awesome day today! got to race clevenger for the first time since high school and it was another epic race. we both separated from the field in the first few minutes and setup at a nice 5 flat pace and stuck there. we worked together for the most part, but for about two miles he really struggled and began to fall back. at the 4 mile mark i called out for him to catch up because i was hurting too and within about 2 minutes he made a surge to catch me. we ran side by side pushing eachother for the next 2 miles and eventually, just before the 6 mile mark he made his move and my legs were just too tired to respond. i picked it up but couldnt quite match his speed so i came in 6 seconds after him. it was a great race i ran incredibly consistant and had fun competing with one of my greatest rivals ever
