Run: Shake Out Previous Next


4.4 mi


7:18 mi

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2 mile warm up+6x80m accelerations w/walk back rec+2 mile cool down. Warmed up with the guys before doing the standard set of skipping drills (2.1 miles in 15:47, 7:43/7:22/.1-:42). Still feeling some soreness in my glutes from lifting but it didn't cause me to alter anything mechanically. Did some light strides and while it felt a little awkward the body responded well. (~15"/80m). Ended up chatting with Richey after so the cool down was delayed by about 15'. Cooled down along bobo on my own. I had gotten stiff standing around and it was apparent that my fitness is lagging at this moment. (2 miles in 14:50, 7:21/7:29). Might be running the Pearl St mile in three and a half weeks to see where I'm at; assuming there's no setbacks.
