Run: Fartlek Previous Next


8:29 AM

7.8 mi


5:24 mi


168 bpm
184 bpm
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East Boulder Rec

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6x4' on-3' float. The wind was roaring yesterday so we were all braced for an effort-based morning workout. Fortunately, the wind was relatively calm (maybe 6-8 mph), but unfortunately, it was 15 degrees with a feel of 6 (although the ambient sun helped it not feel as bad). I didn't feel quite warmed up enough once the workout started so I let a gap form between me and Noah, Parker, and Luke (with Will starting with us but going 5x3-2). I tried to stay relaxed with the initial march up to S Boulder Rd but in the process became completely detached. 5:06/6:09. 4' reps are probably the best for east boulder as you basically run the first one up and the next one down, providing a relatively balanced workout. Came back down Manhattan for #2 with much better turnover but still feeling tight. 4:54/6:06. Back up 55th for #3 and I was lucky enough to overlap with Will for most of it, he towed me through and I was appreciative. 5:00/6:10. #4 got my legs spinning again, still not feeling smooth but definitely faster than the rest up to that point. 4:49/6:00. With #5 being the last tough one (in my mind) and with the wind picking up and having to get through an incline the whole way, I chose to keep the opening push chill, get to Sioux Dr. then push from there. I did just that but when I saw 5:28 pace at 75" in, I knew I had work to do. I pushed as much as I reasonably could and was able to rally it back to 5:08/6:15 to seemingly save the sub-5 on avg. I went to finish strong down Manhattan one last time and with my fastest coupling of the morning ended on a high note. 4:47/5:56. I got blasted by the guys this morning, but chose to run my own effort and ended up with a pretty solid session. 4:57 avg on, 6:06 avg float.
