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7:54 AM

5.7 mi


5:33 mi


167 bpm
184 bpm
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Iowa Indoor Track

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The Michigan: Slow Start Edition. Johnny and I discussed not needing to over-perform every workout and just get good work in ahead of the trials. That reining in of effort may have contributed to some lazy (or more accurately, mismanaged) effort in pacing. I would usually start with a 2k in the ladder but we cut that out and started with 1600, making the workout shorter so I felt like I should be able to get the intensity all the way through. I dropped the ball immediately with the 1600. I wanted to keep from overrunning the rep and accidentally opened up in 74-75. I was disappointed to have screwed up and felt an immediate sense of wasting time. I rallied the rest of the way in 71, 71, 70 for 4:46.9. I needed to put that behind me, even though the end result wasn't awful I felt like I should have been capable of 4:38-40. I jogged 35-40 sec between everything, back and forth from the banked track for the fast stuff and lower track for the tempos. The biggest blunder of the workout came right here. 88 opening 400 on the tempo. I was trying to float too much and put myself in a massive hole. I worked the effort down but still came through half way in 2:51-52. Finishing in 5:30.9 seemed lucky considering the snafu. I was ready to get back on track with the 1200 and ran a respectable 3:28.2 (69/70/69). The following tempo mile was again me putting myself in a hole (2:45 through half) and my frustration grew again, though I closed for 5:22.0. I wanted the tempo pieces to be between 5:10 and 5:20. The 800 was my check mark for the last challenging rep and I was going to make sure I would put an increasingly fast pace to the beginning and split 67 for the first 400 to run 2:15.0(0). I was undoubtedly running the intervals as well as I have before but the tempos were just not where they needed to be and it wasn't for a lack of energy as evidence by my running 5:15.2 for the final piece. I hopped back up to the top and finished off the workout in and even split 62.6 400. Not a perfect workout by any stretch but I have had much rougher michigans in the past. I am frustrated by the lack of awareness on the tempo pieces and the opening 400 of the 1600.
