Run: Medium Long Previous Next


13 mi


6:16 mi

  • Map

Green St.


I tried to do long run this morning and failed like a bitch. I did the add-on loop and when i started it was 87 degrees and 77 dew point so it was already stupid hot. I grabbed some water on my way to the green st. loop. at 30 min i got saved by the grace of a red light and 15 minutes later i was on the verge of bonking. luckily i got to the student union. I stood in the AC for a good 5 min and got some water. on my way back to the run I stopped at a fountain and dunked my head in it like Lebron. I kept trying to convince myself that I could do the full 20 miles that I wanted to do. I was headed back down Kirby and without a water break for 4 miles I was starting to get some fuzzy vision. I still tried to stay positive that I could complete the intended run. Eventually As I was going down Cresent back towards my house I was really starting to lose it. I stopped at the house for some water and stood in the AC for like minutes again. My vision kept getting Fuzzy even out of heat so I decided to call it. Ill do Long Run tomorrow when its supposed to rain all morning, it might be more bearable then


Kaylin Smith

My run was exactly the same, but I didn't make it as far as you. ;P I'm glad you didn't pass out, pal.