Run: Tempo Previous Next


8:33 AM

6 mi


5:20 mi


178 bpm
187 bpm
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Twin Lakes

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2 miles @ 5:20, 2 @ 5:10, 2 hard. It was just Sydney and me this morning and we had different workouts. I was excited for another strong workout on the schedule but in the early stages of the progression, I could tell my body wasn't quite there. 5:17.1 was a good opener and I settled into a rhythm on the first loop hitting 5:21.6 for the second mile. This first piece wasn't too bad but I could tell that there wasn't much margin for progression. When I pushed and ran 5:17.2 for what was supposed to be 5:10, I knew I was in trouble. Mile 4 was even slower (5:21.3) and I was totally stalled. The intended workout was pretty much off the rails but I didn't want to throw in the towel since there was still work to be done. now 5:24.6 for what was supposed to be one of my fastest miles was a bit embarrassing but the steady uphill climb to Jay stole any momentum I might've had left. I really tried to make the last one count but in reality, I was dead in the water. 5:17.7. Not exactly the day I was hoping for, however, I am still getting back, it's only been 6 weeks since I started running again. Not going to beat myself up for not hitting the progression and instead look at this more like a tempo run.
