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9:16 AM

15 mi


5:22 mi


179 bpm
202 bpm
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10 miles @5:20-25 w/400 float, 4xMile w/400 float 5:10/5:05/5:05/>5:05. Got a great morning and I made a concerted effort to be ready to hurt. Will and I were matched up for the whole workout as we paced Maggie for the first 6 miles. We were spot on the pace right off the bat and settled in nicely. 5:20/5:21/5:19/5:21/5:22. Even with the slightly rolling route we never fluctuated much. 5:19/5:20/5:23/5:20/5:19. There were a few parts, mainly after I had to force down some maurten, but on the whole I was happy to run 53:29 so smoothly. Compared to a few weeks ago, the effort was significantly better today. We took a very short jog before the miles and I had mixed up the pacing, I thought I was starting at 5:15 so when we took off under 5:00 pace and even when I backed off to try to be closer I still ran an easy 5:11.4. another short jog and we were off again, sticking to the small loop, staring up Gunbarrel and finishing back in the corporate park. When I thought I was supposed to be 5:10 and ran 5:06. 4, I knew I'd be able to be aggressive on the last couple like Richey left the door open to do. Will was pushing these harder than I was, and despite still working, I was trying to maintain a smooth rhythm. 4:59.2 felt good and even with fairly heavy legs I was ready to push the last one. The last one consisted of the full uphill stretch of Gunbarrel Dr and I hit the first .4 miles around 5:04 pace. I pressed and consciously lifted my stride. I crushed the back half of that final mile and brought it back to 4:52.3. will had blown me away on the last few miles but I was happy with how good the pacing felt. 1:37-1:46 for the 400s.
