Run: Fartlek Previous Next


8:18 AM

4.7 mi


5:20 mi


175 bpm
187 bpm
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East Boulder Rec

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5x3' on-2' off. We are supposed to get a major winter storm tonight through tomorrow, which includes a visit from the polar vortex dropping the windchill down to -50F. This morning was in the 30's thankfully but very windy. Worked out with Luke, Aidan and Charlie but was quickly dropped. The cadence actually didnt feel too bad but I was breathing hard a couple of minutes into the effort. I couldn't hang on the float despite running a solid pace and from there was pretty much on my own. We did the tempo loop around EBRC and the wind swirled so there was really no good direction to run fast. After the first loop, I started to gain on charlie but the 4th rep was into the teeth of the wind and slightly uphill to get to S Boulder Rd so I was basically fighting for my life to keep something of a rhythm. Really struggled in the second half of the workout as my breathing got ragged and my legs lost pop. Couldn't finish as strong as I wanted despite the Manhattan downhill thanks to a strong headwind. Not upset with the effort today since I didn't know I was going to workout until late last night, but this was a wake-up to training again. Got a tough stretch of treadmill runs ahead of me with the weather forecast then hopefully coming back with a good progression run on Saturday. Back to training!
