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8:30 AM

7.1 mi


5:23 mi


169 bpm
184 bpm
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3x2 mile @10:10 w/ half mile jog recovery. Had a good bounce back workout this morning. Will and I had the same pace goal but during the warm up he indicated that he wanted to work it down a little bit more than the prescribed pace. I followed him out a touch quick for the first rep and came through in a smooth-feeling 5:00 mile split. I used the downhill well to maintain the pace and even split for a 10:00. We took our jog together but once we started #2 I was immediately gapped. I tried to focus in on the effort and being a bit more controlled with the self-reliance to close the second half faster. 5:04/4:58 for 10:03. I didn't gas myself on the middle rep and briefly considered asking Richey for 4 but demurred and decided it was best to keep to the plan and not over work a week out from the race. Got out well on #3 in 5:00 and rolled down 63rd before charging up the last hill to finish in 9:57. 5:00 avg for the intervals when that was basically what I was doing for ks a few days ago felt good. I could feel the rhythm and gained back some confidence.
