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11 mi


5:24 mi

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4x2k (90). did a 20 minute building tempo warm up upstairs. Troy and i led the whole time, I didnt want to hammer so any time he started to pull away i just let him go. we ran together for the most part, and with the exception of a small side stitch the warm up went fine. per usual, I had the BG's and shit pure liquid before the intervals even started. I prayed for sanctuary from the demonic feeling. I need to stop drinking coffee close to work outs. I let Troy and Vazquez go, Plank and I ran together for the first 2 (smoothly at that) before the BG's came back with vengeance to take the soul it was promised. after the 3rd one I sprinited to the bathroom and let fly a hurricane of liquid feces before whipping mediocrely and sprinting back out of the bathroom to catch the group just in time to take off for the 4th. both of the last 2 were hellish for the fact that the shitty feeling was weighing me down instead of fatigue in my legs. dont get me wrong I was tired but not nearly so how my times show. [5:53, 5:57, 6:03, 6:03] shit my brains out again and cooled down for 15 minutes upstairs.
