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8:26 AM

6.1 mi


6:01 mi


167 bpm
180 bpm
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East Boulder Rec

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6-8x1000m @2:55-58 w/3' jog recovery. It was a rough morning to say the least. The initial weather report said it was only 4 mph winds but that quickly changed to 18-20 mph (30-40 mph gusts). I started with Austen but without looking at my watch it felt like I was pressing so I tried to find a rhythm in that first rep. However, 3:05.3 was totally off base. I figured I just needed to focus on a quicker cadence. I stayed a little closer to Austen but only managed 3:00.7. I was thinking, "Ok, here I get back on track." but then the wind got even worse and the middle 600m was straight into it. 3:04.1 was embarrassing but it was what I had in my legs. Now, I'm only halfway in and know that I have no chance of getting into the prescribed range. 3:06.9. I wasn't feeling like I was risking injury by continuing, my legs just had no juice. I was going to get to 6 reps one way or another since I saw value in getting the work in, regardless of pace. 3:08.3 was about right and capping off in 3:09.6 was only a consolation that I was able to keep it under 3:10. Taking what I can from today and quickly moving on. I can only imagine that running on snow that last few days zapped my legs a little more than usual and the wind only served to knock me even further out of range. Not going to beat myself up for this one; apparently, I am in fact running a marathon (Grandma's), so I know I have 6 months to get there.
