Run: Fartlek Previous Next


8:11 AM

9.4 mi


5:18 mi


172 bpm
188 bpm
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East Boulder Rec

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10x3' on-2' float. Another great morning weather-wise, and I'm trying to not get too used to it since the late fall and early winter will surely be bogged down with snow, but man it is lovely out here. Will and I worked out with our newest addition, Tom George. Will blasted off at the start and I felt like I was running the same effort I did for the 90/90 fartlek the other week. I practiced subduing the panic and just found a way to maintain myself. We ran the first Cherryvale loop with a Gapter extension and seemed to hit all the best sections to run fast and keep the uphills sequestered to the floats. Still, it was a tough workout at halfway. Tom was just doing 6 so once we passed EBRC and he dropped it was just Will and me. He would pound the first 30 sec off the pace change but I would eventually rally. However, once we got through 7 he wasn't reattaching on the float. I didn't feel that great but I was still trying to maintain confidence and continue to put my best foot forward. I had asked Richey if I could go to 12 if I felt good, but after 7/8 I was fine with sticking to the original plan of 10. I ran the last 3 alone and was amazed at my ability to keep it close to 5:00 pace because it felt like I was struggling for stretches at a time. 4:52/6:00, 4:59/5:40, 4:48/5:43, 4:57/5:59, 5:04/6:01, 5:01/5:57, 5:07/6:06, 4:54/5:41, 5:01/6:06, 5:02/5:41 (4:58 avg on, 5:53 avg float)
