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9:56 AM

8.5 mi


5:29 mi


Hoka Rocket X


173 bpm
191 bpm
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East Boulder Rec

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6 mile Progression (5:15 down to 5:00) w/half mile jog+2 miles of 400 on-400 off. Spring weather is here and it is gorgeous, high 50s and sunny by the time we started. Will and I were a crew of two since Willie got moved to some shorter intervals on the track. I took the pacing on for the first mile in 5:14 but then gapped Will down Manhattan as I let the downhill stretch sped me up to 5:09. I knew coming back up 55th and past the Rec Center would be the toughest mile so I consciously picked up the pace a little more to counteract the gradual climb. 5:07 was good but I was running into the familiar abdominal strain that has destroyed me so far this season. I tried to relax and not force things into a worse position but I was losing momentum rapidly. I slowed way down to a 5:13 4th mile but it provided a good chance to practice resilience. I had the forgiving mile ahead of me and took every opportunity to reassert the pace. I whittled things back to 5:03. I was still in quite a bit of discomfort but with a single remaining mile (featuring a double kicker around Tenino/Aztec) I tried to find a way to rally. It might not have been the 5:00 I was looking for but 5:03 was still a good place coming off of a rough middle mile. Will and I jogged around the track until we were at our half mile allotment ahead of the 400s. We came through 200 in 33 on the first on (after saying 70s would be fine) and Will over took me on the curve. 67.8. I let him go a bit on the 2nd but reeled him in on the last straight to run 66.3. I was going to hold my own on the 3rd despite Willie and Noah egging Will on to blow me up. We ran 64.3. I wasn't going to try to race him on the last one and he blew me away in the first 200 as I maintained my 32 rhythm and closed a little harder to run 63.2. I thought it was a really solid morning. I won't beat myself up over a single slow mile in the progression because on the whole it was a good effort. I just need to figure out what's up with the cramping issue in my right side
