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8:24 AM

8.9 mi


5:26 mi


175 bpm
193 bpm
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East Boulder Rec

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4-6x Mile @ Marathon down to Half Marathon effort w/ 3' float. The calf still sucks on the warm up and cool down but miraculously feels best once I am rolling along at a quicker pace. We were originally going to do this on Marshall so the workout centered more on effort than anything else. We still had some undulation on the tempo loop around East Boulder Rec. I tried to break the workout up into sets of 2 rather than a straight-through progression of pace. 5:07.5, 5:08.8. the first couple didn't feel too hard but I knew that with the wind picking up and the long uphill stretches would be challenging at faster paces. 5:03.1, 5:05.7. reps 1, 2, 4, and 6 were mostly uphill; with number 4 being without reprieve. However, mercifully, #5 was almost all downhill along manhattan. 4:56.3, 4:57.3. To finish up with the last 2 under 5:00 pace gave me some confidence! 3' floats were at a 6:15 avg.
