Run: Fartlek Previous Next


8:24 AM

5.6 mi


5:21 mi


175 bpm
189 bpm
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East Boulder Rec

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6x3' on-2' float. I wasn't expecting a workout today, mainly because I haven't been checking my training schedule. I probably wouldn't have done Teller yesterday if I knew I was. One of the things I want to do differently in fartleks during this summer/fall is to ignore the pace on my watch and just run on pure effort. Today was the first day to practice that and I successfully abstained from peaking the whole time. We had a big group and I was off the back with Will after the first rep but chugged along. Its been a long time since I've tried to run with any kind of pace so I didn't have any expectations. Pulled away from Will during the first float but he caught back up as we went along Gapter. I could tell my body was struggling to run hard, mainly my core felt like it was on the verge of cramping. The increased range of motion and power production did not come without a cost. Will pulled away on Baseline but then he turned for the Aztec kicker and I kept climbing up 55th for my last rep. I had no clue how fast or slow I was going, but I didn't want to shy away from the long gradual hill. 5:01/5:53, 5:01/5:34, 4:58/5:54, 4:55/5:58, 5:02/5:46, 5:17/6:09. Pretty solid for a first workout back, would've looked a little better if that last one wasn't a stinker. I want to put the focus on effort over pace. Fitness will come and that effort will result in a faster pace but there is plenty of time before I race again, no need to crush myself with comparison.
