Run: Fartlek Previous Next


10 mi


5:46 mi

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Green St.


wanted to get a workout in before the half this weekend, and figured if i did it early in the week it would give me ample time to recover. this evening i did a ladder fartlek going 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 each with half rest. i felt good pretty much the whole way, the 4-5-4 was rough as expected but i was solidly sub-5 for all three and probably a tad faster on the 1-2-3 each time. good confidence building workout after getting shelled by travis last week. started after a 2 mile warm-up [6:40-6:20] then finished off the last mile in change in 7 min. I felt that i kept the recovery very honest holding around 6:00-6:10 pace the whole duration.
