Run: Fartlek Previous Next


8:18 AM

7.5 mi


5:24 mi


175 bpm
194 bpm
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Marshall Rd

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4-5x5' strong- 3' float. This was my first workout in 2 weeks, and the first time I would try to run any sort of pace, so I really didn't know how I would feel. It was a frigid morning on Marshall with Charlie, Will, and Sid. We started out relatively conservatively on the first rep and progressed the effort. Once we started the uphill section I began to pull away and hit a bang-on 5 min mile. I would be on my own from there since the others are coming into fitness still. The effort was tough but I felt like I did a good enough job of managing the intensity to not burn myself out but still push into the uncomfortable zone. The third rep was the most difficult since it was ALL uphill; starting at the bend and ending at Cherryvale. After that one, I knew the toughest was behind me. Did all 5 reps, and while the average wasn't amazing, it was a good way to jump back into workouts after being sick. 5:00/6:14, 4:58(.9)/6:11, 5:07/6:02, 4:57(.9)/6:16, 4:59(.5)/6:04 (3:26 for the last float to get to the nearest tenth of a mile.)
