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8:10 AM

8.7 mi


5:21 mi


168 bpm
185 bpm
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East Boulder Rec

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6x Mile @ 4:50 w/ 3' float. Will and I hopped in with Frank for his last workout before Chicago Marathon this weekend. It didn't last very long as we figured out he had a 400m float as opposed to our 3' so it was quickly just Will and I. I thought we got out too hot for the first rep with Frank and didn't want to ruin his workout so I erred on the slower side and hit the brakes to a 4:54.8. Will and I floated on and I wanted to nail the floats this morning but that would turn out to be short-lived. I ran 4:50.5 for the next one and pressed on the recovery, going a little bit further out and having to roll right into the third rep, but that proved to be just a little too ambitious. Still managed a 4:48.4 on the next one but I was not willing to maintain a brisk float and backed off. #4 and #5 were the worst feeling but somehow still ran 4:48.9 and 4:48.7. I knew Will was going to try to cut it down quite a bit on the last one and I just maintained my effort. I wanted to go faster but mid-4:4x's was plenty difficult this morning so I focused on rhythm and effort. Finished with a 4:46.2 and tried to rally some of the float average back in a feeble attempt to make the overall look better. Probably one of my better mile workouts on the lake loop so I'll take it. I'm ramping up training so there is absolutely some residual fatigue but I feel good with where I'm at, now I'm just waiting for this cold to leave my lungs as I've developed a cough over the past two days.
