Run: Fartlek Previous Next


8:40 AM

6.1 mi


5:18 mi


172 bpm
188 bpm
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East Boulder Rec

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4x5' on-3' float. Great weather today, in the mid-40s with only a little bit of wind. Luke and I were paired up and even though he is coming off of injury he's quite fit. I led the first one and had a few strides on him as I feared I was slowing him down. We split 4:54 through the mile and then Luke took the reins during the float. I trailed slightly but we were linked back up going into #2. Luke started to stretch the connection but I was only a couple of strides back as we went through the mile in 4:53. The march up 55th was tough and we were both slow on #3 getting up to S Boulder Rd. It's a gradual 50 ft but in the middle/end parts of workouts, it feels brutal. In this case, we had a headwind to contest with as well so I was significantly slower and my breathing was starting to get raspy as well. I tried to close the gap on the next float and Luke doubled back for me to start the last one together. I knew he'd shell me at some point but I ran the first 2 minutes with him before having to get up 55th again and I inevitably lost it on that climb. In all it was another solid workout on the comeback train but still a ways to go before the pace feels comfortable again; by God, I'll keep trying though. 4:54/5:57, 4:53/5:50, 5:07/5:53, 5:02/5:49.
