Run: Fartlek Previous Next


13 mi


6:02 mi

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Green St.


got my longer effort in in the morning just because. did the 3 mile add on loop before heading into green st. the pace was very modest at the beginning because ive been really tight the past few mornings so i gave myself a bit to build into the run. once i got past the high school I noticed i was still running the 6:30 average ive been for god knows how many runs in a row. I decided to do a fartlek just to mix up the pace a bit and keep myself from getting too pace locked over this part of the training period. did 10x 2-1, didnt blast it but had really good tempo to it. got stopped a few times by lights but if i had to venture a guess i'd say around 5:10-5:20 average for the on sections
