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7:32 AM

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6:32 mi

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Homer Lake

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took the campers out to Homer Lake. I took the longer group again. We started out by the grass path on the north end and took off down the trail, eventually the dirt path and such leading up to Collins Pond. On the way back from the pond one of the n00bs tweeked his ankle on a root so after making sure he was ok and knew where to go I told him that I'd come back down the trail for him (and the 2 kids that stayed back with him. I turned around when I got back to the vans and started looking for them. I guess I straight up missed them (they were right behind the group and I never knew) and ended up making it almost all the way back to the pond before hauling ass back. Stewart was a little pissed at me for holding up the camp but he thought I was just adding on like a self-serving fag
