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8:56 AM

6 mi


5:40 mi


163 bpm
177 bpm
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Nevin Platt MS

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8x800 @2:25 w/400 float. Another chilly workout morning but not nearly as bitter as Wednesday. Still had to workout in tights and a jacket but was thankful the wind was in the single digits. Will, Noah and I lined up to take turns as the pace setter since we all had the same pace. 2:25.4, 2:24.5, 2:24.8. I was nailing 36"/200m pace but on #3 will shot by me like I was fucking up the pace. His little surge pissed me off so I shot out on the float and put 50m on them during the recovery and ran the next one alone before coming back on the float. 2:24.6, 2:24.7, 2:24.8. I spent most of the workout in a sour mood. The pace didn't come easily and I felt like I couldn't coast without losing time so to maintain my 36"/200m pace was taking some concentration. 2:24.9, 2:24.9. ended up right in the range pretty much the whole time with very little deviation. Wish I could've made it feel a touch more controlled but that's just kind of how this week has been for the workout days. Should end up with my biggest week post-injury so at least I got that going for me. Not upset with this morning was just hoping for a bit more.
