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9:44 AM

3.5 mi


6:14 mi


153 bpm
169 bpm
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Nevin Platt MS

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Met up with Holden and Calvin to take them through a workout ahead of next weekend's Portland Track Festival 5k. I was feeling sluggish this morning and the warm-up was tougher than I would've liked. It was a relatively cool, albeit breezy, morning. 200-400-600-800-600-400-200 all w/400 jog. The idea was to get out fast for the first 2 reps, settle into goal 5k pace for the middle 3 reps then close it down the last 2 reps. 34.4 was a slower than expected start but it felt ok. 70.0 was bang on and then we hit the sweet spot of 71-72 pace. 1:47.9, 2:22.7, 1:47.0. I was gradually feeling better, but the pace itself just didn't feel flowy so I was checking my watch almost every 100m to make sure I wasn't slowing Holden down. 68.4 for the last 400, and heading into the last 200 I took the caboose and told them to not let me catch them. I didn't have to worry about it because even running 29.5 was slow enough to get gapped in the homestretch as they both ran 28. Good morning after all! Happy to get some general track work in.
