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11:13 AM

6 mi


5:58 mi


171 bpm
197 bpm
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St. Thomas More

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12x400 @67 w/400 float. I didn't stay up late or anything but I was pretty tired this morning, even after 10 hours of sleep. Travel just takes more out of me than I remember. Kaylin and I drove around Champaign looking for an open track and eventually found one at STM. It is as cold (17 degree wind chill) and windy (10mph) and I was just not super excited for this. The effort was a little intimidating but I was saved by the fact that I was at sea-level. I was bang on 33-34 for the 200 split on every rep but had to fight the wind through the second curve so I had to be careful to not ease off too much. 67.4, 67.6, 67.5, 67.4, 67.2, 66.9, 66.7, 67.4, 67.0, 67.0, 67.2, 67.0. the 400 recoveries were between 1:50-55 most of the way do I wasn't testing myself much in the aerobic department, instead I was focused on feeling the rhythm of that 67 pace since track racing in general is going to be a shock.
