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10.5 mi


5:29 mi


first park workout of the season. the tempo was building which i really enjoyed because it was less of a shock going out in 630, although i was shocked it was that slow, but we built through pretty much the whole way. the second mile was not blazing only around 6 flat, but after that I don't know what we were running but finished up in 25:30. groups and strings of people filed in up to 90 seconds after troy, vazquez and I. the conditions were killer this morning. even at 630 in the morning it was almost 80 with 91% humidity. the miles werent anything special, i did a strong opening 400 to simulate racing and then settled in with troy pretty much the whole way through the miles (4:46, 4:49, 4:52, 4:49) the conditions made these pretty tough but i was focused on just going faster without aggravating my hip, which held up perfectly fine except for some very minor tightness. Steeple Drills After
