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9 mi


5:34 mi

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Tune up day for this Fridays 5k/mile double. Did a four mile tempo outside on the roads. Kept it pretty conservative, a 6 flat first mile followed by a couple 5:40s and closed in 5:20, ended up at about 23 minutes in all. The slippery driveway and the frigid air did not help too much. Got to the indoor track and did 2x8 and 4x4 all with 90 sec rest. The 800s were tough just took a bit of time to warm up to the pace, our first was 2:18ish and then came back in 2:15ish. The 400s were probably the best part the longer rest helped out a lot, went 63,63,62,61. Felt incredibly smooth for all of them. Did Jesus cool down with Troy and Johnny.
