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8:20 AM

5 mi


4:45 mi


154 bpm
181 bpm
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Marshall Rd

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6-8x1k w/3' rest. 15 degrees and calm this morning out at Marshall. The road was relatively clear but still some big patches of ice we had to navigate. Stayed in tights and a pullover with the temps so low. Ran with Charlie, Aidan, and Luke. Odd reps were up, even reps back down. Hung off the back on the first one and let the others set the tone since I didn't have a pace assignment. I came through in 3:01.1 which felt fast but also was probably about as fast as I've ever run a k in that direction. I took the lead on the next rep and definitely took us out too fast, then Luke passed me around 800 even though we split 2:17 we were pressing. 2:52.9. Heading back up I wanted to smooth out the rhythm so I let the others gap me before Charlie fell back and allowed me to bridge the gap in the second half. 3:00.1. The cold air was beginning to burn my chest and a stitch threatened but at least the forgiving downhill direction gave me an easier rhythm to relax into as we ran a totally reasonable 2:57.7. The next two would be the defining reps as I had to decide on whether to call it after 6 or forge on. 2:59.9 back uphill was a boost but with the cold air, I was not confident I could get through 3 more without cramping up. 2:54.5 going back and I stood at the line on an island thinking through the process of doing 2 more or calling it at 6 since they were good up to that point. I committed to 2 more and took off with a slight amount of hesitancy since I thought the workout's quality hinged on being able to maintain the pace going uphill without anyone around to help me gauge. I went through 400 in 71 and thought I was in a good place, but the next 400 was a big slowdown to 2:26. I panicked and put in a surge. By the skin of my teeth, I was able to salvage a 3:00.9. I had to take a moment to catch my breath as my chest was tightening but I knew the last one would be considerably easier. took the first 400 nice and smooth on #8 but was nearly run off the road by a Jeep flying around the bend. I had to take a couple of strides through a massive ice patch so I backed off to insure my safety, then picked it back up. I didn't go for any heroics in the last rep, just kept the effort where it had been most of the morning and ran 2:57.3. I was more concerned with hitting a good pace on the k's so I took the rest as standing/walking. I will eventually need to be able to keep this relatively continuous with a float between, but with where I am at the moment, this was a good morning of work.
