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10.5 mi


5:15 mi


Dirty workout today. Even though the coaches didnt give us 2 minute rest like we have had this week in the past we made the most out of 90 sec. spicy tempo started out red hot in 5:18 for the first mile. Surprisingly I felt really good during the tempo. I was pressing but I never really went over the red line. A nice strong fluid stride. We did the tempo in 23:48 (which Im pretty sure is the fastest) and even better was that we had a group of guys do it. Troy, Sebhat, Vazquez, Plank, Mamerow and I. The best part of today was that, unlike last week, I held it together through out all 4 miles. We had a really strong pack together pretty much the whole time of Troy, Sebhat, Plank and I. We ran a very strong pace and stayed smooth doing it! Aside from having to shit on the last one we ran a perfect workout today. [4:33, 4:36, 4:36, 4:36]
