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8:24 AM

4 mi


6:02 mi

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Nevin Platt MS

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8x400m @68-70 w/400m jog. I have been getting some referral pain (better described as discomfort) in my testicles from the kidney stone so I wasn't feeling great to begin with, but I made the most of the morning. I started with Austen but we separated after the first couple, occasionally I would catch up on the recovery but ran the 400m's on my own. 69.5, 67.8, 68.1, 69.0, 68.9, 68.7, 68.3, 67.9 (1:51 avg recovery lap). With the generous recovery pieces, I was thinking this would be a little easier than it ended up being. I wasn't dying or anything, but slipping under 70 seconds required a bit more effort than I'm used to. (5x Leg Circuit)
