Run: Tempo Previous Next


9.6 mi


5:27 mi


(3 miles easy warm up + 5 mile Hill-tempo + 1 mile easy + 4x200 [100m walk rest]) The warm up was pretty easy, like it was supposed to be, around 6:30 pace. Lodi, Ethan and I talked the whole way. the weather was really nice, a little bir of wind but still a good day to work out. I took the pace early on the hill-tempo and ethan was hanging for the first few loops. I gradually pulled away. I was engaged and moving the whole time. It was a great workout with the variation on the loop. a flat lead up, then the hill which was a shorter portion of the .6 mile loop then the whole back stretch was a very forgiving downhill gradient. I crushed the workout in 25:11 for the full 5 miles. Lodi and Ethan stuck it out too and ran 26:24. We jogged back together and did 4x200 on the indoor track. Ethan and I put on our flats for these. We weren't full tilt but certainly brought a degree of aggressiveness to the 200s. we went 27.0, 26.9, 27.0, 27.4. the rest was 100m of very slow walking. we would joke about the pain of tying up on the home stretch of the last 2 every time. great workout today touching a bunch of different systems.
