Run: Tempo Previous Next


7:18 PM

9.9 mi


5:34 mi


161 bpm
181 bpm
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Used the indoor run feature on the watch, not really reliable. Run went off and just settled right in the pack. Stayed there pretty much the whole time, but yoyoed a bit and reconnected with Mitch a few times in the pack. Whittled down really fast once we were in the 5:teens. Once we hit 5:0x pace I was really starting to feel it. Once we hit 4:5x pace I was just trying to convince myself to go one or two more laps just get to 55 minutes. Once I had a top 10 spot, I just tried to get one more lap, and then another. I just kept telling myself to last until one more person dropped. Went 36 laps for 10.07 mi total. Around lap 32/33 I surged hard to the front from the back to just run one lap with Root with the leaders. After that I let everyone go by and settled back in. Unfortunately the next lap was a pace change so no chance to recover at all. If I haven't surged, I might've been able to last one or at the most two more laps, and I hadn't been given any strikes yet. Ended up 8th overall, Mitch was 15th and Root was 5th. If I had gone even one more lap I could've been 6th or at least 7th.

No splits so that's kinda disappointing.
