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2:05 PM

5.5 mi


6:42 mi

  • Map

<No name>


4 X 3 minute Vo2 with 5 minute rest 2 X 300 @ 800 pace with 3 minute rest

I was really worry for this workout because of my easy runs being so slow I figured I was really out of shape... That deff wasn't the case and I killed this workout today! Of course the Vo2 time only 3 minutes I have never had a first workout start like this. Last year this workout was 5 days later and only 3 sets not 4 and I only averaged a pace of 5:28. Both workouts were alone. Last years was mapped while this years was on the GPS watch. Paces and Distances were:

.62 (4:51 pace)

.64 (4:42 pace)

.62 (4:52 pace)

.63 (4:47 pace)


1st .2 in 48.08

2nd .19 in 49.53

The last 300 was a little slower then I would have liked but I still had a good workout. Felt very strong and for the first time in a long time my stride felt normal! As much as this was a great workout, it was a great confidence builder for me. To me I have Raced well since I went 4:25 at Grand Valley last February and hopefully this is the start of a turn around to get back to that and better!.
