Run: Tempo/Kenyan/MP Previous Next


6:41 AM

5.5 mi


5:27 mi

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<No name>


30 minute tempo today. I finally felt good for a tempo run. At the start I chilled in the back of our group which was Matt, Joey, Stephen, Omero, John and I. By 1.5 miles out we were in waves of 2 and be and John were in back. We moved up and caught Omero and Stephen. At 10 minutes I felt really good and started moving up. We turned at 15 minutes and I jumped on with Blaze and Dylan just to get going again and hopefully make it back to my group. I fell off them and just kept cruising. at a little slower pace. I ended up coming back about 15 seconds faster which was good. My miles were 5:34, 5:24, 5:28, 5:24, 5:23 and the last half mile was 5:17 pace.
