Run: Interval Previous Next


3:30 PM

5200 m


4:27 mi

  • Map

<No name>



the workout was 4 min, 3 min, 2 min, 5 X 1 min

The first 4 mins went - 3:57 for 1200 (81, 78, 78) + 3 secs

3 mins went - 2:34 for 800 (77, 77) + 26 secs

2 mins went - 71 for 400 + 49 secs

1st 400 - 72

2nd 400 - 67

3rd 400 - 66

4th 400 - 66

5th 400 - 66

Rest was 2 mins between intervals, for the worthless jogging i stoped my watch but I did get in some good recovery so im adding 800 meters worth and then for the extra seconds which add up to 78 im saying is a 400

Overall a really good workout for my I felt really strong I have 2 easy days till I get my chance and a fresh 1500!!! Exploding and hitting a 4:17 is going to make my season
