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12:20 PM

8.1 mi


14:33 mi


129 lb


71 F
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Fairy Chasm to Donges Bay

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T71; H53; DP53; W9n: LSD run. I felt good this morning after doing my triple brick yesterday, so I decided to do my long run today; I don't have time to do it tomorrow, and if I wait until Tuesday, it messes up the rest of my schedule. I also ran later than I planned, because my right, wrenched shoulder was really bothering me, and I waited until the meds kicked in. Anyway, in my hubris I chose to do the run today, chose to run hills, as well as to run my longest run, so far, this year. I felt really good until 4.5 miles when I fell apart. My legs no longer wanted to work, or follow my brain. I hadn't taken a gel, because I tend not to use them unless I'm running 10 miles or more. At that point I did take the gel I had carried along. For the rest of the run, I had to walk/run. I did start to feel better after a while. I guess I had no glycogen store left after yesterday.

I had to stop several times to take business calls from Joe. It's difficult to start again after I stop. At one point, when I was suppose to hit the stop button, I hit the lap button, instead. That's why the intervals are weird. I don't know how to fix it, and it's not important. Also, after one call, I forgot to hit start for a while. I maybe lost .1 of the run or so.

In spite of all that, my average pace wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I expected something in the 16 to 17 range. So, even though the run went wonky, all in all, not a bad run, considering.
