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10:19 AM

5 mi


12:34 mi


129 lb


73 F
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T73; DP61; H69; W9ne: It sure felt a lot warmer than 73; I'll have to check the temp when it's updated closer to the time I ran. I wanted to run at an avg pace of 12:30. My knee wasn't haven't any of that. I pushed it to get what I did. Now I'll ice it and pay the consequences. It didn't loosen until around 3.5 miles--and that last a mile.

I am definitely undertrained for the Chicago 1/2 M on Saturday. I missed almost 2 weeks of running due to the ruptured plantaris tendon, and another week due to 103 temps and high humidity. I had runs scattered throughout that time, but not enough to be well trained--And Sunday's temperature sure won't help matters :(
