Run: Interval Previous Next


11:58 AM

3.1 mi


12:08 mi


129 lb
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T66; H43; DP43: W11nne: This was my first attempt at speed intervals. I tried to set up the Garmin for this event, but couldn't figure it out. As it turns out, while fiddling with it, I had inadvertently put it in the bike mode; And my chosen intervals and speeds would have been wholly inappropriate--which is probably why I couldn't figure it out, and why it wouldn't "take".

I did .50 mile warm up (since I already did a 2.5 mile bike warm up), then .25 at under 12 pace--whatever speed I could maintain; then .25 mile over a 12 as recovery--whatever felt comfortable. I didn't always catch the timing right, but I did pretty well. I noticed that I went a lot faster during the recovery periods than I thought I would. But it was a comfortable pace. All in all, a good run. And the weather is perfect--finally and for a change.
