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5:26 PM

15.9 mi


6:06 mi


153 bpm
192 bpm
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6x strides

3200 at T - 10:57

2x 1600 at 10k - 4:56, 4:55

2x 800 at 5k - 2:19, 2:19

2x 400 at 3k - 65, 63

2x 200 at 800 - 28.9, 28.1

1600 at LT - 5:14

All with 2 minutes between sets and 90s between same events. Spikes for 2s and 4s, Vaporflies for all others. This was a big one. Felt great today during the workout. Traded reps with Logan for the first few then kinda dropped him on the rest. Got lost on the cool down and my stomach fell apart. Woke up 3.5 lbs down from the weekend (just about all water) so need to focus on recovery and hydration.
