Run: Trail Previous Next


5:03 AM

3.3 mi


9:22 mi


182 lb


59 F
  • Map



for some reason the heart rate monitor would not work...sure would have been nice to see those numbers .

During the day as I contemplated this run, I felt it would be an enjoyable tempo run though expexted to feel a bit tired on the cardio end. At the same time I thought the legs and body would feel prety good....being rested and all.

My intent was to start out pretty fast and keep increasing the speed through the run.

In essense that did not happen as my whole body felt pretty tired and out of shape esspecially during the second half of the run which was a lot of down hills. I slowed to a walk twice for about 20 seconds to catch my breath

I finished with a pretty strong kick then walked a 2 mile cooldown with Sheila.

garmin showed a lot of strait lines and gaps

still running in the 572s with no pads and they feel fine

garmin nano time

3.1 miles 3.81 mies 30:54 (36:24 bio break)

9:41 8:39

9:48 8:26

10:44 9:40

7:04 6:49
