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20 mi


9:28 mi

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First 8@10:00, next 6@9:33, last 6@8:40, which quite amazed me, given half mile repeats on Friday and "MP" run yesterday that was actually faster than MP. I was a bit tired and sore, did not expect anything great and went out thinking if I ran even 10s all the way, that would be fine. I felt better once I got moving, ran 2-mile loop and then 6-mile loop @10:00 pace, did not check mile splits at all. I ate a chocolate 1xcaff gel, 10 oz water and headed out, started to feel pretty good around 2 miles out and that lasted until about 5 miles, when I got a bit more tired and wanted to stop but still not feeling bad. Once I saw the time, I thought OK, I'll go to breathing 2/2 (had been doing 3/2 except for MC hill on other loops) and see what I can do w/o working seriously hard on the last loop. Ate a 2xcaff gel and 10 oz. water. I truly did not work too hard, tried to open up on downhills and float on uphills. My legs were tired but I was not short of breath at any point. I stopped for maybe 2 minutes at the most between each 6-mile loop, probably less, just enough to swallow a gel and glug down water, and paused watch for this, as well as multiple peeings.

Pleasant cool day w/just a very light wind, lots of stars and a lovely crescent moon w/the old moon in its arms--perfect perfect perfect for running! About 2-1/2 miles from the end, I was a bit tired and thought of my totems, the black dog and the owl, and just at that moment, the owl began to call! It was an omen.
