Run: Long Aerobic Run Previous Next


8 mi


12:11 mi


5.5 to 8, goal 7. 11:58 to 10:25, goal 10:58.

Ran at Nashotah, since Lapham had all kinds of snow made on both the approach and exit portions of the trail. Looks like they're not an option for me till spring again. This was likely the last run at Nashotah, too, as they have all kinds of signs about not running on the ski trails, and I don't know that I want to run those little side trails in the winter in packed snow/ice. It's snowing fairly hard out now and supposed to remain cold for the week, so I suspect this is it; winter is here and I'm confined to the roads.

The pace is not too bad, considering it was run in gradually increasing snow levels. I didn't seek out the hilliest sections but didn't stay all flat either. I was pretty tired by the last mile and glad to be done, but it was a leg-weary tired, not a cardio kind of can't breathe/working too hard tired, so should be OK. Tomorrow and possibly Tuesday will probably be at Pettit, since the winds and windchills are going to be insane.
