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8.2 mi


7:10 mi

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McKee Park


400-800-1,200-1,600-1,200-800-400, 400 recovery

1.5 w/u, c/d


86, 2:52, 4:17, 5:50, 4:32, 2:56, 85

Short warmup and cooldown since it was a longer day at work. Ran loops in McKee park. In the future, I might use the 90 degree corners as the markers and just settle for long repeats. But until then, I'm using my watch chirping every quarter mile.

And as a sign that I haven't run fast in a long, long time, I had the fastest mile I've run on my watch during this workout as a 5:50. Yep. I've had this watch since mid 2016.

Also, the second 1200 was very slow - my left knee was very unhappy after that repeat. I think I overstride when I'm at speed, which was okay at 160. At 170 and less in shape, that's really hard on the knee. That's also something that lifting would correct/help, as would drills. But that's just enough more of a time commitment that I'm not 100% sold. Maybe if I decide to cut back on internet surfing... time enough to think about this.

Training Plan Entry


9 mi

400-800-1,200-1,600-1,200-800-400, 400 recovery

1.5 w/u, c/d
