Run: Tempo Previous Next


10.1 mi


6:50 mi

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1-2 Warm-up

7 @ 6:45-6:50, pending conditions

Remainder Cool-Down

Actually, 8 at tempo pace; all miles sub 6:40 with a fast mile of 6:28 and an average of 6:33. Yes, 8 miles sub 6:40 for the first workout in a few months. The shorter lead time is going to be fine.

Other notes - I was probably working a little hard for the last mile or so. I'm okay with that because it is a little more uphill and I was definitely going a bit quick.

Also, I think 30 and humid might be the perfect weather for me specifically. Every time we have this weather it just feels dope as hell.

Training Plan Entry


11 mi

1-2 Warm-up

7 @ 6:45-6:50, pending conditions

Remainder Cool-Down
