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15.4 mi


7:58 mi

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I want to run much longer than the plan to get more time running

Didn't have 18 in me with some of the humidity. Ran the first 8.86 solo, then sat for 15 minutes to wait for Maria and let the clif bar and water settle, then a struggling 5 and change with her, to finish with a mile or so solo. She ended up running 9 total, so that's pretty nice.

As it turns out, she is also awful at holding a line and pace. Since I'm a persnickety runner at the best of times, that's not a great combo.

I like Badgers'n'Pirates - wish I could remember the logic on the name since it's real dumb.

Training Plan Entry


18 mi

I want to run much longer than the plan to get more time running
