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6.6 mi


7:25 mi

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McKee Park


4x1,200, 400 recovery

1.5 w/u, c/d

4:32, 4:24, 4:29, 4:31 (or something like those splits). I think this is what speed work for this is supposed to feel like - it certainly feels fast-ish. Ran laps in McKee Park. If you run the outermost loop in McKee, it's almost exactly a mile, and there's only one road crossing to a parking lot. It's a good, relatively flat loop that's fully paved. Like Elm Park in Worcester, only paved, or ... nothing in Taiwan that I can remember... or kind of the lowest bike path loop in WAterloo, but that was only 400 m, so... It's a good loop.

Training Plan Entry


7 mi

4x1,200, 400 recovery

1.5 w/u, c/d
