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21 mi


7:55 mi


Four Weeks to Marathon

Pretty great run - saw Aygul from the long run group at mile 8 in Verona, but didn't stop to say hi because the wind was already kicking my ass. 15-20 mph West winds basically the entire way meant the first ten was into it and the second ten was a solid tailwind. Ran something a little different than mapped - started up through Chicory park, then turned on Cannonball to head to Verona. Once I got out toward Epic, I decided I didn't want to get off the path, so I just turned around at 10.5 to retrace my steps. The dirt path was pretty chewed up; I think the extra rain and maintenance vehicles are doing a number on it. Everything is runnable, just super rutted. I don't think I'd want to ride a road bike on it, especially if it were a little dark.

No water, no fuel on this run - I could have used a gu around mile 14-16, but didn't need one.

Split notes - mile 1 was 7:42, mile 5 8:02, 6 8:00, 11 7:42, 12 8:02, 15 8:01 16 8, 20 7:45, 21 8:05. So a maximum delta of 23 seconds (!!), 5 miles over 8 minutes, 16 miles between 7:42 and 7:59. Maybe sub 4 in a 50k isn't as wild as I think?

Training Plan Entry


21 mi

Four Weeks to Marathon
