Run: Tempo Previous Next


2:00 PM

10.5 mi


6:15 mi


156 lb


65 F


6 / 10
9 / 10
  • Map

moc bend ext


Ended up running later in the day than normal. Rained all day so I had to get it in between times. First mile usually is around 7:30ish, ended up 6:40 day. It felt unusually easy but I continued on. Got to the bottom of N market and my watch clicked 6:07. I stopped and stretched will waitng for Patrick O'Brien and Gilpin (UTC runners). I told myself to relax and not to push anything. They should run my pace. Miles 3,4,5,and 6 were sub 6 minute pace at which time they requested a reprieve. I honestly would not have believed it that fast if my Garmin hadn't given me splits. I hope this wasn't a fluke. I also hope I haven't done anything to disrupt my training. Make no mistake the run felt absolutely spectacular!!
